Wednesday 4 January 2012

Bacon Wrapped Dates Stuffed With Chorizo Sausage- try it, you'll like it :)

A friend brought these to my house and they were a hit! So, I made them for some events over the holidays and EVERYONE wanted the recipe. (After I convinced them to try one, admittedly some people were weirded out about the whole meat and dried fruit combo.) Friends and family decided that this recipe should go onto the blog as they were getting gobbled up. So, I grabbed a few remaining dates and took a picture. (hence the fact that there are only three dates on a little plate in the shot!)

Get some nice large and soft pitted dried dates. Cut up cured (cooked and ready to eat) chorizo sausage into small enough pieces to stuff into the dried dates. (Chorizo sausage is available at most Italian deli's.) The dates have a natural place where they will open so the sausage can be stuffed in. Squeeze the date back together in your hand so the sausage is hidden inside. Cut a package of bacon in half. Wrap each date with 1/2 a piece of bacon and secure with a toothpick.

Bake covered at 400 degrees for 40 minutes, and then uncovered for 20 minutes to crisp up the bacon.

*note, I made up a whole bunch of these and froze them raw. Then, I had ready made appetizers to bring to holiday functions :) Just be sure to thaw them before baking.

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